Thank you for visiting with us! Southminster is a church community located in the downriver communities to the south of Detroit, we're located in the City of Taylor. Our connection to Taylor means that we are in many ways a community church. We have an informal, relaxed style of worship; when we gather together, it feels like a gathering of neighbors and friends. If you're from one of the Downriver communities, you will feel comfortable joining us. We are also part of one of the oldest Christian denominations in our country: the Presbyterian Church USA. Parts of our life together are rooted in practices, words and ideas that connect back to the earliest expressions of the Christian faith. If you went to church with your parents or grandparents, some of what you experienced will be part of our gathering. We're a mix of old and new, informal and structured, contemplative and celebratory at the same time..
We worship in person and virtually every Sunday at 11:00 AM. You can join us in person or via Zoom or our Facebook page.
Our Story
Southminster Presbyterian Church is a faith community located in Taylor, Michigan. As Taylor transitioned from a rural farming community to a Detroit suburb in the 1950s and early 1960s, a group of people were sent out by Allen Park Presbyterian Church to start a new church in Taylor. As a new community grew around what would become Kinyon Elementary School, Southminster Taylor grew along with it.. Our story and the story of the City of Taylor are intertwined. When there were severe cuts in the Taylor schools due to budgetary problems in the 1970s, we opened our building for tutoring and instruction for the children of Taylor. We played a role in starting ChristNet, which serves the homeless in the Downriver area. We also played a role in starting the Fish & Loaves food pantry when food insecurity became a problem with some families in our community. We've now been a part of Taylor for 60 years.
Our Future
Like the city in which we grew up, Southminster is transitioning into a new and exciting future. We continue to look for places where we can bring God's love into our community. We are a "family" style church in the midst of a family type community. We enjoy mixing the familiar with the contemporary, building new traditions as we go. We enjoy traditional things like the church calendar, but we love infusing family celebration into the yearly church life. Our worship is both familiar, and yet contains the casual atmosphere of a family event. Families are places where we grow and learn. At Southminster, we are serious about learning to be intentional followers of Jesus, about growing into the people God created us to be. We take the study of Jesus' teaching seriously, whether it's in Sunday School, midweek small groups, Sunday Worship or one-on-one relationships.